NOREAS has been assisting Southern California Edison (SCE) with the Eldorado-Ivanpah Transmission Project (EITP) since 2012. Our associates supported CEQA and NEPA compliance efforts during the removal of approximately 35 miles of existing 115-kilovolt (kV) transmission line and associated appurtenances (i.e., conductors and towers); and the installation of 213 new towers supporting a double-circuit 220-kV transmission line between the Ivanpah Substation in California, and the Eldorado Substation in Nevada. The upgraded transmission line extends from southern Clark County, Nevada to northeastern San Bernardino County, California. The new 220-kV transmission line follows existing SCE rights-of-way and passes through the McCullough Mountains within lands administered by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). NOREAS personnel were instrumental in the implementation and field oversight associated with EITP’s Biological Mitigation Monitoring and Compliance Reporting Plan. In April of 2012, NOREAS was also selected to participate in the EITP Avian Mitigation and Monitoring Plan’s long term mortality study. The study includes the following census components: Search Bias Tests to establish the individual biologist’s searcher efficiency in locating avian mortalities along the EITP alignment; Removal Bias Tests to determine the carcass removal rate by scavengers within the study area; and Avian Mortality Surveys along the EITP alignment to determine the number of mortalities that are presumed to be caused by Project components during consecutive days. The results of the Search Bias Tests, Removal Bias Tests, and Avian Mortality surveys suggests no noteworthy bird mortality is currently caused by the EITP. Our employees performed the initial avian surveys for the pre-existing 115kv line and towers (April 2012 and October 2012); and the existing 220kv line (October 2013, January 2014, April 2014, October 2014, and January 2015). Two additional surveys are scheduled to be performed in April, and October 2015 to coincide with the spring and fall avian migration period.