NOREAS’ restoration ecology, botanical, arboricultural and regulatory compliance staff is coordinating with pertinent resource agencies and Riverside County to develop mitigation plans and specifications. The documentation provides habitat creation and restoration specifications to addresses compensation for waterway, oak tree, and Quino Checkerspot Butterfly habitats associated with the Intersate-15 / Clinton Keith Road Interchange, State Route-79 Widening, and Clinton Keith Extension projects. NOREAS prepared the aforementioned mitigation specifications and planting plans (i.e., exhibits and planting palettes) which detail the boundaries for proposed habitats – color coded in GIS, to denote I-15/ Clinton Keith Road Interchange, SR-79 Widening, and/or Clinton Keith Extension project mitigation elements within lands owned by the Riverside County Conservation Authority. The main purpose of this effort is to determine for restoration contractors a specific planting plan that takes advantage of on-site hydrology, aspects, soil conditions, etc. needed to support the proposed created habitats (e.g., Plantago erecta or Castilleja exserta dominated upland sage scrub/chaparral, and oak trees). Exhibits and tables are being used to detail NOREAS’ conceptual planting locations, physical work limits, and other habitat installation related notes/simple details for prospective landscape contractors; as opposed to preparing a stand-alone set of engineering specifications tied to a formal County request for proposal. Additionally, NOREAS is preparing a construction cost estimate for the County and vetting potential bidders.