NOREAS is supporting a (Global) Fortune 500 chemical company at a former manufacturing facility in Van Nuys, California. Soils at the site were impacted by VOCs at depths up to 150 feet below ground surface (bgs), and (Cr VI) at depths of up to 80 feet bgs (groundwater is at over 225 feet bgs). Groundwater investigation included installation of two angled wells to a depth of 225 feet bgs using a sonic rig. Two vertical wells were also installed. Using a sonic rig drilling vs. other methods allowed reduction in the volume of soil cuttings requiring disposal. Remedial activities include SVE for VOCs, and in situ chemical reduction (ISCR) for chromium with calcium polysulfide (CPS). The ISCR project was completed inside an active warehouse, entirely in the vadose zone, and involved injection of 170,000 gallons of CPS in a 60 x 60 feet area over a 4-month period. NOREAS submitted a soil-only closure request to the Regional Water Quality Board in 2009. Future activities include installation of additional groundwater monitoring wells to 250 feet bgs. NOREAS services on this project have included design, permitting, well installation, turnkey remediation, and regulatory interaction.