NOREAS is responsible for implementation of a remedial action (RA) at Installation Restoration Program (IRP) Site 1, located at the Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Old Town Campus (SPAWAR OTC), Naval Base Point Loma (NBPL), San Diego, California. Prior to implementation of the RA, a pre-design Investigation was completed to fully and accurately define the limits of PCB Aroclor-1260 above the project action level (PAL) o 1 milligram per kilogram (mg/kg) , allowing for precise excavation and pre-characterization of soil for disposal. Additionally, geotechnical samples were collected to complete the remedial design and selection of the optimum excavation strategy. Soil excavation and off-site disposal was selected as the remedy for contaminated soils at this site. The project involved preparing plans and specification, excavation design to address the retaining wall, utilities and railroad spurs; review of existing utilities maps; conducting geophysical and land surveys; well abandonment, mobilization of equipment, materials, temporary facilities, and personnel, installation of temporary fences and barricades; construction of soil stockpile containment areas; decontamination pad; installation of stormwater management provisions; personnel and area air monitoring; installation of a dewatering and treatment system; excavation of contaminated soils, confirmation sampling and analysis; backfilling; compaction; installation of asphalt and concrete pavement; waste characterization; waste transportation and offsite disposal and site restoration.