Sustainable Power Group LLC. (SPOWER) is a leading independent power developer with over 3,000 megawatts of mid- to late-stage renewable energy projects. In 2013, NOREAS became SPOWER’s prime environmental contractor providing natural resource specialists to address all facets of traditional wildlife biology, herpetology, mammalogy, ornithology, ecology, botany, compliance monitoring, and regulatory permitting services to their renewable energy projects spanning Los Angeles, Riverside and San Bernardino counties in California. Over a 24 month period, NOREAS concurrently completed the following assignments on SPOWER’s behalf: 20 Protocol Level Burrowing Owl Breeding Season Surveys; 12 Habitat Assessment and Vegetation Mapping Surveys; 10 Combined Ocular Migratory Bird Treaty Act Compliance Clearance Surveys; 10 Jurisdictional Wetland and Waters Determinations; 5 Desert Tortoise 100% Coverage Protocol Surveys; 5 Protocol Live-trapping Mohave Ground Squirrel Surveys; 5 Joshua Tree Inventories and Health Assessments; 5 Kit Fox Surveys, Den Inventories, and Digital Imaging Station Census Efforts; Regulatory Permitting Compliance Applications/Notifications; 5 Worker Environmental Awareness Training Programs; 4 Burrowing Owl Artificial Burrow System Installations; 3 Protocol Rare Plant Surveys; 3 Flat-tailed Horned Lizard, Legless Lizard and Coast-horned Lizard Presence/Absence Surveys; and 2 Swainson ’s hawk Surveys. The aforementioned services were performed at low cost to assist a dozen distinct SPOWER projects through the regulatory process.