NOREAS is managing investigation and remediation at TP Industrial (TPI), a former bulk solvent distribution and recycling facility in Southern California. The facility was decommissioned with seven hazardous waste management units (HWMUs) closed without restriction and four HWMUs closed with waste in-place (RCRA Closure). Soil vapor extraction (SVE) and groundwater extraction and treat system (GETS) activities were initiated in 1989 and to date, over 45,000 lbs of chlorinated VOCs (primarily TCE, PCE, CFC-113, 1,1-DCE, 1,1,1-TCA, and methylene chloride) have been removed from the subsurface. NOREAS is currently implementing, as part of an overall strategy, an expanded SVE system with quadruple and quintuple screened wells, to be followed by an enhanced anaerobic bioremediation system that will use part of existing GETS infrastructure to create an in situ recirculation cell. NOREAS is also optimizing the monitoring network, which includes over 40 groundwater monitoring wells, and over 20 soil vapor monitoring points. NOREAS has performed risk assessment for vapor intrusion at off site residences.