NOREAS plays the lead technical role for remediation of chloroethenes (mainly TCE) in soil gas and groundwater at SPAWAR’s Old Town Campus (OTC). NOREAS directed the preparation of a Remedial Action Plan, and is providing construction oversight of a soil vapor extraction (SVE) system using 4 wells, a 300 cfm blower, and granular activated carbon treatment; and an enhanced anaerobic bioremediation (EAB). A portion of the SVE system is designed to mitigate intrusion of TCE into an occupied building.
NOREAS engineers reviewed the conceptual design prepared by others as part of the Feasibility Study, the results of pilot studies conducted by others, and a number of historical documents. This review indicated that implementing the conceptual design would likely create problems: (a) the SVE system (as contemplated in the conceptual design) would extract significant quantities of groundwater and (b) the EAB could cause onsite contamination to migrate off site. Working closely with the client group, NOREAS modified the design to mitigate these potential issues in the design. System installation is ongoing, and operations are expected to commence in 2nd quarter of 2015.