NOREAS has been supporting a confidential commercial client with the remediation of a former dry cleaning facility that was recently redeveloped as a mixed-use property under oversight by Orange County Healthcare Agency (OCHCA). NOREAS developed a multi-phased approach to remediate residual contamination in soil and soil vapor and provide mitigation measures to protect residential occupants, culminating in the preparation of a comprehensive Remedial Action Plan. The plan involved removal of the contaminant hot spot in the soil beneath the building, installation of a horizontal soil vapor extraction (SVE) system to reduce the concentrations of residual contaminants in soil vapor, and install a vapor barrier/sub-slab ventilation system (SSV) to protect future residents. NOREAS successfully coordinated with redevelopment contractors to complete each phase of the plan including hot spot removal, SVE system installation, and vapor barrier installation with minimal impact to the construction schedule and budget. Following completion of the redeveloped building, NOREAS conducted indoor air sampling to verify the effectiveness of the remedy. Contaminants were not detected in the indoor air results, verifying that the barrier is effective, and the new building to be occupied.