NOREAS is managing and implementing evaluation of vapor intrusion (VI) at several buildings at Naval Air Station North Island (NASNI). This is a multi-year, multi-contract effort that includes sub-slab sampling, soil gas sampling, and indoor air sampling at >50 buildings. NOREAS has prepared work plans, implemented the field work, prepared reports including risk assessment, prepared risk communication plans. Work started in June 2014 with sub-slab sampling at 9 buildings with 3 Operable Units that posed the highest risk for VI issues. This was followed by Indoor Air (IA) at 5 buildings – using a portable GC/MS for quick and cost effective screening to optimize the number and frequency of indoor air samples (using Summas). Over 100 Summas have been deployed in these 5 buildings, and risk evaluations are ongoing. At one of the Buildings (which showed unacceptable risk), NOREAS is working with a multi-contractor team to repair several thousand liner feet of cracks and implementing a SVE system using a 500-foot long horizontal extraction well.